our highly anticipated trip to THE famed Taj Mahal finally came last saturday when we made our trip down to agra. The Taj Mahal, one of the 7 wonders nominees, is located in Agra, which is about 4 hours on the road from Delhi. It is a tomb built entirely out of white marble, famed for its beauty and splendor. and true to what i've seen in pictures, the Taj did not fail to disappoint!
i think that the pictures don't really do it justice. its really beautiful and grand, especially when u're there in person, dwarfed by the grandness of it all. being a national monument with its international fame and all, it was not cheap to get in. Indian nationals get to enter the Taj for a mere 20 Rupees (S$0.80) while foreign visitors like yours truly have to pay a whopping 750 Rupees (S$28) just to get in! Though I do think the price is quite steep, I don't disagree that the locals should get to enjoy the Taj for a heavily subsidised rate. it is afterall, one of their national monuments. the following are random shots taken from the 300+ photos that we took in total. not necessary the best shots, jus some of my preferred ones :)